The build itself failed but still produced c-client. I actually used the sources from debian 8, since it included some patches. How to install zlib-bin on Debian 7 (Wheezy) As a chain reaction, you will have to build libcurl and libc-client for imap support with your freshly built openssl. So you have to build an older openssl version I took 1. I will list the steps I took which solved it for me. So, first, I need to know if it is posible to have PHP7. Also, I have found some examples of PHP5. In the future ever single app will be served under PHP7.
Some can be fixed, some can not as several drupal 6 sites. I'm migrating a very old server Debian etch to Debian Stretch and every single app developed has PHP issues, it was expected. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.